While browsing the ***Database of Number Fields***, I came across ***[17T8][1]***. It only had four equations, one of which is,

$$\small{x^{17} - 5x^{16} + 40x^{15} - 140x^{14} + 610x^{13} - 1622x^{12} + 4870x^{11} - 10220x^{10} + 22720x^9 - 38080x^8 + 63500x^7 - 84100x^6 + 102200x^5 - 102400x^4 + 83000x^3 \color{brown}{- 55864x^2 + 24080x - 9400}=0}$$

It may not look much, but all four examples had the same coefficients *except* for the  part in brown (the $x^2, x^1, x^0$ terms), so I assume there might be a parameterization. After some fiddling, I found the rather simple,

$$\frac{(x^5 - 2x^4 + 10x^3 - 10x^2 + 20x - 10)^3\,(x^2 + x + 4)}{(4x^2 - 5x + 25)} = -36m\tag1$$

The four were just the cases $m = -6, -2, -12, 9$. The discriminant of $(1)$ is,

$$D = 2^{36}\, 3^{52}\, 5^{18}\, m^{10}(16m + 81)^8$$

***Update:*** Note that,

$$\frac{(x^5 - 2x^4 + 10x^3 - 10x^2 + 20x - 10)^\color{red}3\,(x^2 + x + 4)}{4x^2 - 5x + 25}-\frac{27^2}{2^2} = \frac{(x-1)(2x^8 - 4x^7 + 32x^6 - 40x^5 + 170x^4 - 136x^3 + 362x^2 - 166x + 185)^\color{red}2}{4x^2 - 5x + 25}\tag2$$

Note that the *quintic* and *octic* factors (both irreducible) have *solvable* Galois groups. Also, I've seen similar factoring behavior in formulas for the *j-function* like the well-known *icosahedral equation*,

$$j(\tau)-1728 =-\frac{(r^{20} - 228r^{15} + 494r^{10} + 228r^5 + 1)^\color{red}3}{r^5(r^{10} + 11r^5 - 1)^5}-12^3 = -\frac{(r^{30} + 522r^{25} - 10005r^{20} - 10005r^{10} - 522r^5 + 1)^\color{red}2}{r^5(r^{10} + 11r^5 - 1)^5}\tag3$$

Makes me wonder if $(1)$ is a formula for something. 


1. Does the whole family, except for special $m$, belong to ***17T8***?
2. Can one derive it from first principles, instead of a computer search? (Its simple form seem to suggest there might be others.)

  [1]: http://galoisdb.math.upb.de/search/display?req=p413