<blockquote> If $M$ is a $C^{1}$ manifold and $\omega_i$, $i=1,2$ are two continuous volume forms with the same mass, does there exist a $C^1$ diffeomorphism sending one to the other? </blockquote> **The answer is no.** The equivalent problem is: given a positive and continuous function $g$, can we find a diffeomorphism with the Jacobian equal to $g$, $\det Df=g$? A counterexample is Theorem 1.2 in: D. Burago, B. Kleiner, <A HREF="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs000390050056"><FONT FACE="Arial">Separated nets in Euclidean space and Jacobians of bi-Lipschitz maps</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Arial">. *Geom. Funct. Anal.* 8 (1998), 273–282. (<A HREF="https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publdoc.html?arg3=&co4=AND&co5=AND&co6=AND&co7=AND&dr=all&pg4=AUCN&pg5=TI&pg6=RT&pg7=JOUR&pg8=ET&review_format=html&s4=burago%20and%20kleiner&s5=&s6=&s7=&s8=All&sort=Newest&vfpref=html&yearRangeFirst=&yearRangeSecond=&yrop=eq&r=3&mx-pid=1616135"><FONT FACE="Arial">MathSciNet review</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Arial">.) <blockquote> If $M$ is a $C^{1+\alpha}$ manifold and $\omega_i$, $i=1,2$ are two $C^\alpha$ volume forms with the same mass, does there exist a $C^{1+\alpha}$ diffeomorphism sending one the other? </blockquote> **The answer is yes, at least locally** (see also a comment of alvarezpaiv). Whether the result has a global version on manifolds, I do not know. This is Theorem 1 in: B. Dacorogna, J. Moser, <A HREF="http://caa.epfl.ch/publications/22-Dacorogna-Moser1990.pdf"><FONT FACE="Arial">On a partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Arial">. *Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire* 7 (1990), 1–26. (<A HREF="https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publdoc.html?arg3=&co4=AND&co5=AND&co6=AND&co7=AND&dr=all&pg4=AUCN&pg5=TI&pg6=RT&pg7=JOUR&pg8=ET&r=1&review_format=html&s4=dacorogna%20and%20moser&s5=&s6=&s7=&s8=All&sort=Newest&vfpref=html&yearRangeFirst=&yearRangeSecond=&yrop=eq"><FONT FACE="Arial">MathSciNet review</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Arial">.) > **Theorem.** *Let $k\geq 0$ and $\alpha\in (0,1)$. If $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ is abounded domain with $C^{k+3,\alpha}$ > boundary and $\omega\in C^{k,\alpha}$ is a volume form such that > $\int_\Omega\omega=|\Omega|$, then there is a diffeomorphism > $\varphi:\Omega\to\Omega$ that is identity on the boundary, > $\varphi,\varphi^{-1}\in C^{k+1,\alpha}(\bar{\Omega})$ and such that > $\varphi^*\omega=dx_1\wedge\ldots\wedge dx_n$.*