The Thue-Morse sequence isn't a solution when $n=8$, but it gets close. Here are the fairest sequences with $v_0\ge v_1$ for small $n = $ $1,$ $2,$ $\dots,$ $14$, according to an exhaustive brute-force search, where $v_b$ denotes the expected score for the player choosing when the binary digit is $b$.

**EDIT**: The reverse Thue-Morse sequence do look better than the Thue-Morse sequence but is far from the fairest. The Thue-Morse sequence looks like alternating between being worse and better than the simple alternating sequence. I tabulated their scores after the fairest below, for $1 \le n \le 17$.

n&\text{fairest with }v_0\ge v_1&v_0&v_1&v_0-v_1&\text{approx.}\\ \hline
12&101000001101 &1481/143 &559/54 &37/7722&0.00479\,15048\\
  &101001000011 &1481/143 &559/54 \\
  &101001001110 &1481/143 &559/54 \\
  &101001110001 &1481/143 &559/54 \\
  &101001111100 &1481/143 &559/54 \\
  &101011001001 &1481/143 &559/54 \\
13&0110100111010 &2534/225 &13873/1232 &463/277200&0.00167\,02742\\
14& 00001010010011 & 1205/99 & 426/35 & 1/3465 & 0.00028\,86003\\
  & 00001010011110 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 00111000110110 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 00111010000011 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 00111010001110 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 01111010011010 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 00111010110001 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 00111010111100 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 00111011110010 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 10001010010101 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 10001011010110 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 10111010000101 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 11111000010110 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 11111010010001 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 11111010011100 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 10111011000110 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 11111011010010 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\
  & 10111011110100 & 1205/99 & 426/35 \\

n&\text{Thue-Morse}&v_0&v_1&v_0-v_1 \text{ approx.}\\ \hline
 1 & 0                 &      1     &      1/2    &  0.50000\,00000 \\
 2 & 01                &     3/2    &      5/3    & -1.66666\,66667 \\
 3 & 011               &      2     &     11/4    & -0.75000\,00000 \\
 4 & 0110              &    10/3    &     16/5    &  0.13333\,33333 \\
 5 & 01101             &    15/4    &     40/9    & -0.69444\,44444 \\
 6 & 011010            &    77/15   &     34/7    &  0.27619\,04762 \\
 7 & 0110100           &    19/3    &     53/10   &  1.03333\,33333 \\
 8 & 01101001          &   234/35   &    554/81   & -0.15379\,18871 \\
 9 & 011010011         &    85/12   &    284/35   & -1.03095\,23810 \\
10 & 0110100110        &  1639/189  &   1853/220  &  0.24923\,03992 \\
11 & 01101001100       &   399/40   &    712/81   &  1.18487\,65432 \\
12 & 011010011001      &   338/33   &    136/13   & -0.21911\,42191 \\
13 & 0110100110010     &  1582/135  &   6599/616  &  1.00585\,61809 \\
14 & 01101001100101    & 23955/2002 &  75109/6075 & -0.39808\,69336 \\
15 & 011010011001011   &    86/7    &    713/52   & -1.42582\,41758 \\
16 & 0110100110010110  & 44540/3159 & 127340/9163 &  0.20220\,33021 \\
17 & 01101001100101101 &  2799/196  &  11260/729  & -1.16520\,39417 \\
n&\text{reverse Thue-Morse}&v_0&v_1&v_0-v_1 \text{ approx.}\\ \hline
 1 &                 0 &        1     &      1/2    &  0.50000\,00000 \\
 2 &                10 &       5/3    &      3/2    &  1.66666\,66667 \\
 3 &               110 &       7/3    &      5/2    & -1.66666\,66667 \\
 4 &              0110 &      10/3    &     16/5    &  0.13333\,33333 \\
 5 &             10110 &     73/18    &     21/5    & -0.14444\,44444 \\
 6 &            010110 &     91/18    &    173/35   &  0.11269\,84127 \\
 7 &           0010110 &    109/18    &    199/35   &  0.36984\,12698 \\
 8 &          10010110 &    554/81    &    234/35   &  0.15379\,18871 \\
 9 &         110010110 &   1235/162   &    269/35   & -0.06225\,74956 \\
10 &        0110010110 &   1397/162   &   3263/385  &  0.14813\,21148 \\
11 &       00110010110 &   1559/162   &   3567/385  &  0.35852\,17252 \\
12 &      100110010110 &  10994/1053  &   3952/385  &  0.17571\,07090 \\
13 &     0100110010110 &  12047/1053  &  11933/1078 &  0.37107\,24901 \\
14 &    10100110010110 &  38761/3159  &  13011/1078 &  0.20044\,88751 \\
15 &   110100110010110 &  41381/3159  &  14089/1078 &  0.02982\,52600 \\
16 &  0110100110010110 &  44540/3159  & 127340/9163 &  0.20220\,33021 \\
17 & 10110100110010110 & 849419/56862 & 136503/9163 &  0.04105\,87768 \\

n&\text{alternating}&v_0&v_1&v_0-v_1 \text{ approx.}\\ \hline
 1 & 0                 &       1      &       1/2    &  0.50000\,00000 \\
 2 & 01                &      3/2     &       5/3    & -0.16666\,66667 \\
 3 & 010               &      8/3     &      17/8    &  0.54166\,66667 \\
 4 & 0101              &     25/8     &      17/5    & -0.27500\,00000 \\
 5 & 01010             &     22/5     &     61/16    &  0.58750\,00000 \\
 6 & 010101            &     77/16    &    181/35    & -0.35892\,85714 \\
 7 & 0101010           &    216/35    &    709/128   &  0.63236\,60714 \\
 8 & 01010101          &    837/128   &    439/63    & -0.42919\,14683 \\
 9 & 010101010         &    502/63    &   1867/256   &  0.67528\,52183 \\
10 & 0101010101        &   2123/256   &   2029/231   & -0.49058\,10335 \\
11 & 01010101010       &   2260/231   &   9285/1024  &  0.71616\,69710 \\
12 & 010101010101      &  10309/1024  &   4553/429   & -0.54567\,08006 \\
13 & 0101010101010     &   4982/429   &  22237/2048  &  0.75514\,34568 \\
14 & 01010101010101    &  24285/2048  &  80141/6435  & -0.59601\,36977 \\
15 & 010101010101010   &  86576/6435  & 414893/32768 &  0.79239\,43129 \\
16 & 0101010101010101  & 447661/32768 & 173867/12155 & -0.64262\,51278 \\
17 & 01010101010101010 & 186022/12155 & 948703/65536 &  0.82809\,57089 \\

Source code (in need of optimization) in GP/PARI:

    f(s,b,i0,k) = { if(#s==1, s[1],
        if(b%2, sum(i=i0,#s,f(setminus(s,[s[i]]), b\2, i, k+1))/#s*(k+1),
                f(vecextract(s,"2.."), b\2, 1, 0)
    p(b) = { if(b>1, print1(b%2); p(b\2)) };
    g(n) = { d0 = n+1; s = vector(n+1,i,i-1);
        for(b = 0, 2^(n-1)-1,
            v0 = f(s,b,1,0); v1 = f(s, 2^n-1-b, 1, 0);
            if(d0 >= abs(v0-v1), d0 = abs(v0-v1); b0 = b;
                p(b0+2^n); print(" ",v0,"  ",v1,"  ",d0)