I will base my question on Fock and Goncharov's paper [Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces](https://arxiv.org/abs/math/0510312). Let $S$ be a surface with boundaries, marked points on such boundaries, punctures and boundaries without marked points. We collectively call punctures and unmarked boundaries *holes*. To $S$ we can associate two Teichmüller spaces, let me call them $T_A(S)$ and $T_X(S)$. The first is the decorated Teichmüller space, where above each puncture and marked point is made a choice of a horocycle. In this case all holes must be punctures. The second is the usual Teichmüller space, and we now allow un-marked boundaries. We define a triangulation $T$ of $S$ to be a triangulation of the surface obtained by replacing each hole with a puncture. Associated to a triangulation $T$ of $S$ there are coordinate systems for both $T_A(S)$ and $T_X(S)$. They are positive numbers associated to the edges $e$ of $T$ and to the non-boundary edges of $T$ respectively. They are given by $\lambda$-lengths for $T_A(S)$ (indicated by $\lambda_e$) and by shear coordinates for $T_X(S)$ (indicated by $x_e$). There is a map $T_A(S) \to T_X(S)$, which I will call the *shear map*, which is given in coordinates by $x_e = \frac{\lambda_a \lambda_c}{\lambda_b \lambda_d}$, for each inner edge $e$ belonging to triangles $[e,a,b]$ and $[e,c,d]$ of $T$. This map lands in the subspace $\prod_{e \in p} x_e = 1$, where the product is taken over all edges $e$ incident to a hole $p$. This is a subspace of $T_X(S)$ because in general this product gives the exponential of the hyperbolic length of the hole. **QUESTION** Is it possible to define a "natural" map $T_A(S) \to T_X(S)$ that doesn't land in this subspace? By "natural" I mean that it does not depend on any choice of triangulation.