I'm confused about the relationship between strong admissibility and weak admissibility for pointed diagrams in Heegaard Floer theory. For reference, here are Ozsvàth-Szábo's original definitions:

> A pointed Heegaard diagram is called *strongly admissible for the ${Spin}^c$ structure $\mathfrak{s}$* if for every nontrivial periodic domain $\mathcal{D}$ with $$\langle c_1(\mathfrak{s}),H(\mathcal{D})\rangle=2n \geq 0,$$
$\mathcal{D}$ has some coefficient $>n$. A pointed Heegaard diagram is called *weakly admissible for $\mathfrak{s}$* if for each nontrivial periodic domain $\mathcal{D}$ with $$\langle c_1(\mathfrak{s}),H(\mathcal{D})\rangle =0,$$
$\mathcal{D}$ has both positive and negative coefficients. 

Here's a concrete case that puzzles me: If $c_1(\mathfrak{s})$ is torsion, then it evaluates to zero on *every* homology class. In that case, it seems that a diagram is 

 - strongly admissible for $\mathfrak{s}$ if every nontrivial periodic domain $\mathcal{D}$ has some positive coefficient, and
 - weakly admissible for $\mathfrak{s}$ if every nontrivial periodic domain $\mathcal{D}$ has both positive and negative coefficients.

If these conditions are to coincide for $c_1(\mathfrak{s})$ torsion (or at least for "strong" to be stronger), then it seems like any nontrivial periodic domain with positive coefficients must also have negative coefficients. Is this true?