Let $X$ be a smooth projective curve over $k=\bar{k}$, and $Pic^d$ the $d$-part of the Picard group of $X$ (isomorphism classes of line bundles of degree $d$ on $X$).

I'd like to define a scheme $G_d^r$ parametrizing $g_d^r$'s on our curve $X$, so with set theoretic support given by
$$ \operatorname{Supp}(G_d^r) = \{\; (L,W) \in Pic^d\times G(r+1, H^0(L)) \;\}. $$ 

My question is:
###What is the most elegant way to define $G_d^r$ as a scheme?


**Further explanations & my idea:**
Let $\L$ denote the Poincaré line bundle on $X$ (assuming it does exist), i.e. a line bundle on $X\times Pic^d$ such that for every $L\in Pic^d$ we have $f^*\mathscr{L} = L$, where $f:*\to Pic^d$ is the inclusion of $L$ in $Pic^d$.

> In GAC = *Geometry of Algebraic Curves* by Arbarello & co. they define $G_d^r$ in the following way: 

> 1. They **choose** a divisor $\Gamma$ with high degree $m$ on $X\times Pic^d$ and consider the exact sequence of sheaves over $Pic^d$
$$ 0\to \pi_*\L \to \pi_*\L(\Gamma) \overset{\gamma}\to \pi_*\L(\Gamma)/\L \to R^1\pi_*\L\to 0 $$
where the ones in the middle are locally free of ranks $n=d+m-g+1$ and $m$.

> 2. They consider the Grassmannian bundle 
$$G(n-(d+m-g-r),\; \pi_*\L(\Gamma))=G(r+1),\; \pi_*\L(\Gamma)) \overset{p}\longrightarrow Pic^d$$ 
and pull back via $p$ to get a map
$$ \psi: S \hookrightarrow p^* \pi_*\L(\Gamma) \overset{p*(\gamma)}\longrightarrow p^* \pi_*\L(\Gamma)/\L $$
where $S$ fits in the natural short exact sequence $0\to S\to p^* \pi_*\L(\Gamma) \to Q \to 0$.

> 3. They define $G_d^r = \ker(\psi)$, so that its points are couples $(L,W)$ where $L\in Pic^d$ is a line bundle and $W$ is an $(r+1)$-dimensional subspace of $H^0(L)$.

In my opinion the fact that we are making a choice in picking $\Gamma$ is annoying. It makes the definition not elegant. 

My idea to define $G_d^r$ as something which looks more or less like
$$ G_d^r := G(r+1,\; \pi_*\mathscr{L})\,. $$
This should produce something very close to the GAC definition. Indeed $S \to p^* \pi_* \L(\Gamma)$ is an inclusion, so $\ker(\psi) \cong \ker(p^*(\gamma))$. The latter turns out to be simply the pullback via $p$ of the kernel of $\gamma$, which we see from $(1)$ to be equal to $p^*\pi_* \L$.

**Do you think my idea makes sense? How can I make it precise?**