For Bosonic topological order, a very useful formula was proved to be true: $\sum_a d_a^2 \theta_a=\mathcal{D} \exp(\frac{c_-}{8}2\pi i) $ (for more detail: $d_a$ is the quantum dimension of anyon labeled by a, and $\theta_a$ is the topological spin.D is the total quantum dimension, $\mathcal{D}^2=\sum_a d_a^2$. And $c_-$ is the chiral central charge. If we assume bulk boundary correspondence, $c_-$ can be defined as $c_-=c_L-c_R$, the chiral combination of the central charge of boundary CFT. Alternatively, the chiral central charge is also well defined without referring to CFT, that is via the thermal Hall effect when we have an edge termination.) So my question is straightforward: what's the fermionic version of this formula? I also post this question in physics stackexchange: