In any sort of type theory, there are a bunch of rules for constructing derivations of typing judgments such as $x:A,\; y:B(x) \;\vdash\; z:C(x,y)$. (I intend to include also judgments of the form $B:\mathrm{Type}$.) It's certainly possible to get to the same typing judgment using different derivations; for instance I could introduce an unnecessary variable with weakening, then substitute any term for that variable. But it feels as though such a derivation should be "$\beta$-equivalent" to a derivation which omits the unnecessary variable and substitution. So my question is: *Is there a tractable (e.g. inductively generated) equivalence relation on derivations under which all derivations of the same typing judgment become equivalent?* Although I want the answer to be yes, I suspect that it is no, because derivations are a lot like proofs, and I know that at least in intuitionistic logic, there can be multiple "essentially distinct" proofs of a given statement. If so, could it be true for some restricted class of type theories? Can one quantify its falsity?