I'm struggling through Lurie's Higher Topos Theory, since it appears that someone reading through the book is expected to be somewhat comfortable with simplicial homotopy theory. The main trouble I've had is computing things like the join, product, coproduct, pullback, pushout, and so forth. I understand them as far as their universal properties, and maybe have a little intuition because the category of simplicial sets is a presheaf category over the simplex category, but Lurie uses geometrical language, so I can't even compute like when working with presheaves. So, could you lot recommend some books or lecture notes, preferably with suggested sections, that won't go too deep into simplicial homotopy theory, but deep enough for me to learn how to compute?
Note: I understand fibrations (left, right, inner, kan, trivial) and their corresponding anodyne maps just fine. Most of the time I waste is sitting around with that book is trying to make sense of the computations, while I understand the arguments just fine.