I think the answer is positive for the special case (2). 

In this case every $(X,T)$-invariant measure $\mu$ is also $(\widetilde{X},T)$-invariant and hence admits an ergodic decompostion, say $\tau=\tau_\mu$. Since $\mu(X)=1$, $m(X)=1$ for $\tau$-a.e. $m\in E(\widetilde{X},T)$. In other words, the ergodic decomposition of $\mu$ is 'localized' on $(X,T)$. Note that $h_m(X,T)=h_m(\widetilde{X},T)$ for each $m$ with $m(X)=1$. Therefore 


After André Caldas: I take a snapshot ([link][1]) of Theorem 6.4 in Chapter II of Mane's book:

![alt text][2]

  [1]: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/e2770
  [2]: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/newuploads/e2770.jpg