Let $X$ be a connected, based CW complex. Then the James splitting of $\Sigma\Omega\Sigma X$ gives, in particular, a weak equivalence of spectra $$ \Sigma^{\infty} \Omega\Sigma X_+ \quad \simeq \quad \Sigma^{\infty} (S^0 \vee X \vee X^{[2]} \vee X^{[3]} \vee \cdots ) , $$ where $X^{[n]}$ denotes the $n$-fold smash product of $X$ with itself. Each side of this equivalence have the structure of $A_\infty$-ring spectra (the structure on the right side given by the tensor algebra over the sphere spectrum on the points of $X$). Now, my understanding$^\dagger$ is that the Cartan formula for Hopf invariants implies that the above splitting is multiplicative up to homotopy. **Question:** Is the above splitting map of $A_\infty$-rings? If so, can anyone provide me with a reference? $^\dagger\tiny \text{From being once upon a time in Bill Richter's orbit.}$