I do not understand why nobody mentioned Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems. These books offer a lot of practice in different branches of math. From algebra to calculus to differential equations,logic, topology,... It has always been a great idea to practice my math skills with the problems there. Another thing, I learned calculus I to III before getting in to univ from the book: [CALCULUS: An introduction to Applied Mathematics by H.P. Greenspan (Author), D.J. Benney] [1] You will definitely find it in most university. Also I learned Group theory (again before getting in to univ) from: [Algebra (2nd Edition) Michael Artin][2] My final remark: You will get high-quality math ebooks for free from the internet, a great repository of knowledge for everyone. [1]: http://www.amazon.com/CALCULUS-introduction-Mathematics-Harvey-Greenspan/dp/0962699810 [2]: http://www.amazon.com/Algebra-2nd-Michael-Artin/dp/0132413779/ref=dp_ob_image_bk