Fix a positive integer $k>0$. For $p>k$ a prime, let $A_p$ be a subset of the finite field $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ of size $k$ which contains a primitive element. Define $G_p$ to be the (di)graph whose vertices are elements of $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$, with two vertices $i,j$ joined by an edge provided $j=ia$ or $j=i+a$ for some $a\in A_p$. (I'm mainly interested in the situation where $A_p$ is closed under the operations of taking multiplicative and additive inverses; under these assumptions I can think of $G_p$ as a graph rather than a digraph.) **Question: Is $(G_p)_{p \textrm{ a prime}}$ a family of expanders?** *** Background: I'm expecting the answer to be either "possibly" or "no" (because if it were "yes" I'd hope I'd have heard about it already). My interest comes in studying the Bourgain-Gamburd machinery for proving expansion from results about growth. For the family $(G_p)$, the relevant growth result is the Bourgain-Katz-Tao sum-product theorem for fields of prime order. One needs more than just a growth result of course, one also needs to have some notion of `quasirandomness' (but I think I can handle this), as well as a lower bound on the girth of the graph. I've not thought much about this last aspect so I guess this is the most likely to be the sticking point.