$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$ Let $ \mathbb{Z} $ be the ring of integers and $ \mathbb{R} $ the field of real numbers. Let $ \Sigma_g $ be a surface of genus $ g \geq 2 $. Let $ \pi_1(\Sigma_g) $ be the fundamental group of the surface. There are many way to embed $ \pi_1(\Sigma_g) $ into $\PSL_2(\mathbb{R}) $. There are, however, no ways to embed $ \pi_1(\Sigma_g) $ into $ \PSL_2(\mathbb{Z}) $. Given some $ g \geq 2 $, is there a good way (an algorithm) to find (real) algebraic integers $ \alpha_1,\dots, \alpha_n $ such that $ \pi_1(\Sigma_g) $ embeds in $ \PSL_2(R) $? Here $ R $ is the ring $$ R:=\mathbb{Z}[\alpha_1,\dots, \alpha_n] $$ (and preferably the $ \alpha_1,\dots, \alpha_n $ are chosen such that $ R $ has minimal rank as an abelian group)