Quasi-lisse vertex algebras were introduced by Arakawa and Kawasetsu in [Quasi-lisse vertex algebras and modular linear differential equations][1] . They satisfy the property that the normalized character of an ordinary representation of a quasi-lisse vertex operator algebra has a modular invariance property, in the sense that it satisfies a modular linear differential equation. I am wondering how much is known about the classification of these algebras? 1. Is a complete classification possible? 2. What are some examples of quasi-lisse vertex algebras apart from the one's discussed in the paper (affine vertex algebras associated with the Deligne exceptional series at non-admissible levels) and traditional ones (such as affine VOAs at admissible levels and their W-algebras through work of Kac and Wakimoto)? 3. A special case is the classification of rational and $C_2$-cofinite vertex algebras? Can these be classified? 4. What are some examples where the quasi-modular forms of the characters have been explicitly calculated? My interest is mainly in the modular invariance of vertex algebras and I am looking for lots of different examples where such explicit computations of characters have been made or could be made. [1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.05865.pdf