I'm looking for some references about colimits of spectral sequences.

More precisely: let $X : I \longrightarrow \cal{C}$ be a functor from a filtered category $I$ to the category of double cochain complexes of an abelian category $\cal{C}$, in which  filtered colimits exist and commute with cohomology.

Let $E_2(X_i)$ be the second page of the first filtration ss associated to $X_i$. Assuming that the $X_i$ are right-half plane double complexes, it weakly converges to $H^*(\mbox{Tot}^\prod X_i)$ for all $i$ (Weibel, "An introduction to homological algebra", page 142):

E_2(X_i) \Longrightarrow H^*(\mbox{Tot}^\prod X_i)\ ,

where $\mbox{Tot}^\prod$ is the *total product complex*,

(\mbox{Tot}^\prod X)^n = \prod_{p+q=n} X^{pq} \ .

For the same reason:

E_2(\varinjlim_i X_i) \Longrightarrow H^*(\mbox{Tot}^\prod \varinjlim_i X_i )\ .

Then, because of the exactness of $\varinjlim$, we have

\varinjlim_i E_2 (X_i) = E_2(\varinjlim_i X_i) \ .

Then my question is: under which conditions can I assure that I have a comparison theorem like

\varinjlim H^* (\mbox{Tot}^\prod X_i) = H^*(\mbox{Tot}^\prod \varinjlim_i X_i) \quad \mbox{?}

Any hints or references will be appreciated.