The answer is $\frac{3}{2}n$. First note that if $G$ is $2$-connected and even-cycle-free, then $G$ must just be an odd cycle. To see this, consider an ear-decomposition of $G$. If $G$ is not just a cycle, then $G$ will contain a subdivision of a $\theta$-graph (3 internally disjoint paths connecting two vertices), which necessarily contains an even cycle. Now let $G$ be an arbitrary even-cycle-free graph and consider its block tree $T$. By the previous remark, each block of $G$ is an odd cycle or just an edge. To maximize the number of edges, each block of $G$ should be a triangle. Thus, the maximum number of edges is attained by a 'tree of $k$ triangles.' This graph has $3k$ edges and $2k+3$ vertices.