You cannot characterize a L&eacute;vy process by the individual distributions of its increments, except in the trivial case of a deterministic process *X*<sub>*t*</sub>&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;*X*<sub>0</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;*bt* with constant *b*. In fact, you can't identify it by the n-dimensional marginals for any n.

> 1) Let *X* be a nondeterministic L&eacute;vy process with *X*<sub>0</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0 and *n* be any positive integer. Then, there is a cadlag process *Y* with a different distribution to *X*, but such that (*Y*<sub>*t*<sub>1</sub></sub>,*Y*<sub>*t*<sub>2</sub></sub>,&hellip;,*Y*<sub>*t*<sub>*n*</sub></sub>) has the same distribution as (*X*<sub>*t*<sub>1</sub></sub>,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>2</sub></sub>,&hellip;,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>n</sub></sub>) for all times *t*<sub>1</sub>,*t*<sub>2</sub>,&hellip;,*t*<sub>*n*</sub>.

Taking *n*&nbsp;=&nbsp;2 will give a process whose increments have the same distribution as for *X*.

The idea (as in my answer to [this related question][1]) is to reduce it to the finite-time case. So, fix a set of times 0&nbsp;=&nbsp;*t*<sub>0</sub>&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;*t*<sub>1</sub>&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;*t*<sub>2</sub>&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;&hellip;&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;*t*<sub>*m*</sub> for some *m*&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;1.
We can look at the distribution of *X* conditioned on the &#x0211d;<sup>*m*</sup>-valued random variable *U*&nbsp;&equiv;&nbsp;(*X*<sub>*t*<sub>1</sub></sub>,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>2</sub></sub>,&hellip;,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>*m*</sub></sub>). By the Markov property, it will consist of a set of independent processes on the intervals [*t*<sub>*k*&minus;1</sub>,*t*<sub>*k*</sub>] and [*t*<sub>*m*</sub>,&infin;), where the distribution of {*X*<sub>*t*</sub>&thinsp;}<sub>*t*&nbsp;&isin;[*t*<sub>*k*&minus;1</sub>,*t*<sub>*k*</sub>]</sub> only depends on (*X*<sub>*t*<sub>*k*&minus;1</sub></sub>,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>*k*</sub></sub>) and the distribution of {*X*<sub>*t*</sub>&thinsp;}<sub>*t*&nbsp;&isin;[*t*<sub>*m*</sub>,&infin;)</sub> only depends on *X*<sub>*t*<sub>*m*</sub></sub>. By the [disintegration theorem][2], the process *X* can be built by first constructing the random variable *U*, then constructing *X* to have the correct probabilities conditional on *U*. Doing this, the distribution of *X* at any one time only depends on the values of at most two elements of *U* (corresponding to *X*<sub>*t*<sub>*k*&minus;1</sub></sub>,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>*k*</sub></sub>). The distribution of *X* at any set of *n* times depends on the values of at most 2<i>n</i> values of *U*.

Choosing *m*&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;2<i>n</i>, the idea is to replace *U* by a differently distributed &#x211d;<sup>*m*</sup>-valued random variable for which any 2<i>n</i> elements still have the same distribution as for *U*. We can apply a small bump to the distribution of *U* in such a way that the *m*&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;1 dimensional marginals are unchanged. To do this, we can use the following.

> 2) Let *U* be an &#x0211d;<sup>*m*</sup>-valued random variable with probability measure &mu;. Suppose that there exist (non-trival) measures &mu;<sub>1</sub>,&mu;<sub>2</sub>,&hellip;,&mu;<sub>*m*</sub> on the reals such that &mu;<sub>1</sub>(*A*<sub>1</sub>)&mu;<sub>2</sub>(*A*<sub>2</sub>)&hellip;&mu;<sub>*m*</sub>(*A*<sub>*m*</sub>)&nbsp;&le;&nbsp;&mu;(*A*<sub>1</sub>&times;*A*<sub>2</sub>&times;&hellip;&times;*A*<sub>*m*</sub>) for all Borel subsets *A*<sub>1</sub>,*A*<sub>2</sub>,&hellip;,*A*<sub>*m*</sub>&nbsp;&sube;&nbsp;&#x0211d;.
Then, there is an &#x0211d;<sup>*m*</sup>-valued  random variable *V* with a different distribution to *U*, but with the same *m*&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;1 dimensional marginal distributions.

By 'non-trivial' I mean that &mu;<sub>*k*</sub> is a non-zero measure and does not consist of a single atom.

By changing the distribution of *U* in this way, we construct a new cadlag process with a different distribution to *X*, but with the same *n* dimensional marginals.

Proving (2) is easy enough. As &mu;<sub>*k*</sub> are non-trivial, there will be measurable functions &fnof;<sub>*k*</sub> on the reals, uniformly bounded by 1 and such that &mu;<sub>*k*</sub>(&fnof;<sub>*k*</sub>)&nbsp;=&nbsp;0 and &mu;<sub>*k*</sub>(|&fnof;<sub>*k*</sub>|)&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;0. Replacing &mu;<sub>*k*</sub> by the signed measure &fnof;<sub>*k*</sub>&middot;&mu;<sub>*k*</sub>, we can assume that &mu;<sub>*k*</sub>(&#x0211d;)&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.
\mu_V = \mu + \mu_1\times\mu_2\times\cdots\times\mu_n
is a probability measure. Choosing *V* with this distribution gives
{\mathbb E}[f(V)]=\mu_V(f)=\mu(f)={\mathbb E}[f(U)]
for any function &fnof;:&nbsp;&#x0211d;<sup>*m*</sup>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;&#x0211d;<sup>+</sup> independent of one of the dimensions. So, *V* has the same *m*&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;1 dimensional marginals as *U*.

To apply (2) to *U*&nbsp;=&nbsp;(*X*<sub>*t*<sub>1</sub></sub>,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>2</sub></sub>,&hellip;,*X*<sub>*t*<sub>*m*</sub></sub>), consider the following cases.

 1. *X* is continuous. In this case, *X* is just a Brownian motion (up to multiplication by a constant and addition of a constant drift). So, *U* is joint-normal with nondegenerate covariance matrix. Its probability density is continuous and strictly positive so, in (2), we can take &mu;<sub>*k*</sub> to be a multiple of the uniform measure on [0,1].

 2. *X* is a Poisson process. In this case, we can take &mu;<sub>*k*</sub> to be a multiple of the (discrete) uniform distribution on {2<i>k</i>,2<i>k</i>&nbsp;+&nbsp;1} and, as *X* can take any increasing nonnegative integer-valued path on the times *t*<sub>*k*</sub>, this satisfies the hypothesis of (2).

 3. If *X* is any non-continuous L&eacute;vy process, case 2 can be used to change the distribution of its jump times without affecting the *n* dimensional marginals: Let &nu; be its jump measure, and *A* be a Borel set such that &nu;(*A*) is finite and nonzero. Then, *X* decomposes as the sum of its jumps in *A* (which occur according to a Poisson process of rate &nu;(*A*)) and an independent L&eacute;vy process. In this way, we can reduce to the case where *X* is a L&eacute;vy process whose jumps occur at a finite rate, with arrival times given by a Poisson process.
In that case, let *N*<sub>*t*</sub> be the Poisson process counting the number of jumps in intervals [0,*t*]. Also, let *Z*<sub>*k*</sub> be the *k*'th jump of *X*. Then, *N* and the *Z*<sub>*k*</sub> are all independent and,
As above, the Poisson process *N* can be replaced by a differently distributed cadlag process which has the same *n* dimensional marginals. This will not affect the *n* dimensional marginals of *X* but, as its jump times no longer occur according to a Poisson process, *X* will no longer be a L&eacute;vy process.
