Here:, on pages: $ 1 $ and $ 2 $, we find the following paragraph: For any scheme of finite type over a ground field and any integer $ k>0 $, we will define the so-called Chow groups $ A_k (X) $ whose elements are formal linear combination of $ k $ -dimentional closed subvarieties of $ X $, modulo ''boundaries'' in a suitable sense. The formal properties of this groups $ A_k (X) $ will be similar to those of homology groups. Il the ground field is $ \mathbb{C} $, you might even thought of the $ A_k (X) $ as being ''something like'' $ H_{2k} (X , \mathbb{Z} ) $, although these groups are usually different. But, there is a map $ A_{k} (X) \to H_{2k} ( X , \mathbb{Z} ) $, so you can think of elements in the Chow groups as something that determines a homology class, but this map is in general neither injective nor surjective. ***Questions***, - After reading this block, and since it is said in this block that, in general, the morphism $ A_k (X) \to H_{2k} (X, \mathbb {Z}) $ is neither injective, nor surjective, can you give me some examples of $ A_k (X) \to H_{2k} (X, \mathbb{Z}) $ maps that are not injective, or that they are not surjective where : $ 4 \leq 2k \leq n-4 $ and $ n - 4 > 0 $, and $ n $ is the dimension of $ X $ ? Thanks in advance for you help.