Consider the indexes of all ordinary programs generating functions from $\mathbb{N}^2$ to $\{0,1\}$. If we let $W$ be the set of exactly of all those indexes $e$ such that $\phi_e$ computes a total function that represents a well-order relation (on $\mathbb{N}$) for a recursive ordinal $\geq \omega$ then I think $W$ is not hyperarithmetic. That's because I have read it multiple times on various points. Now consider the result that any set generated by an OTM (or, I think, reasonably similar model of ordinal comp.) in less than $\omega_{CK}$ time must be hyperarithmetic. Hopefully I am not making a mistake here, but it seems(?) that this result could be used to show that $W$ is not hyperarithmetic (given the assumption that $\omega_{CK}$ is admissible). I seems that there is a relatively easy construction that shows that if $W$ was hyperarithmetic then $\omega_{CK}$ wouldn't be admissible. Hence we can conclude that $W$ is not hyperarithmetic. I have a question here that has been bothering a bit for a while, ever since few years ago that I noticed this point. **(Q1)** The first concern is of course of "circularity". What I mean is that I have no idea what showing $\omega_{CK}$ as admissible really entails in terms of set theory involved. For example, perhaps(?) showing $\omega_{CK}$ as admissible already necessarily uses $W$ as non-hyperarithmetic as a lemma, which would make the above construction perhaps useful as an aid but void as a result. Since I don't know much in the way of detail here I thought it would be reasonable to ask. **(Q2)** Secondly also I am wondering about one other point. We can use $<\omega_{CK}$-time sets as hyperarithmetic to also show for example the result mentioned by Andreas Blass here (see the comments below the answer). In one sentence, somewhat informally, the result is that the "mapping" between any two recursive well-orders must be hyperarithmetic. Once again I am wondering whether there is any "circularity" in using OTM to show such a result or not? I am thinking not but I think it is better to be ask, since it is still just a guess on my part.