The theory of $(\let\ep\varepsilon\ep_0,+,\omega^-)$ is undecidable (I will not mention $0$, $1$, or $<$ in the signature as they are definable). More generally, the same holds for any nonempty class of structures of the form $(\ep_\alpha,+,\omega^-)$, and even $(\mathrm{Ord},+,\omega^-)$, if you can make sense of the theory of the latter structure.

The reason is that it interprets *Vaught’s set theory* (VS), axiomatized by the schema
$$\forall x_1,\dots,x_k\:\exists z\:\forall t\:(t\in z\let\eq\leftrightarrow\eq t=x_1\lor\dots\lor t=x_k)$$
for $k\ge0$ that just says “$\{x_1,\dots,x_k\}$ exists” ($k=0$ gives the empty set). VS is essentially undecidable; see [1] for a discussion of this and related theories.

VS is interpreted in the theory of $(\ep_\alpha,+,\omega^-)$ by taking for $x\in y$ the predicate “$\omega^x$ occurs as one of the terms of the Cantor normal form (CNF) of $y$”, which can be defined by
$$x\in y\iff\exists u,v\:(y=u+\omega^x+v\land v<\omega^x).$$
In fact, this gives a direct (i.e., 1-dimensional, unrelativized, with absolute equality) interpretation of the stronger *adjunctive set theory* (AST) with axioms
&\exists z\:\forall t\:t\notin z,\\
&\forall x,y\:\exists z\:\forall t\:(t\in z\eq t\in x\lor t=y),
stating that $\varnothing$ and $x\cup\{y\}$ exist. This makes the theory of $(\ep_\alpha,+,\omega^-)$ sequential (see [1] for what that means), and it interprets Robinson’s arithmetic $Q$.

Even better, $(\ep_\alpha,+,\omega^-)$ interprets $(V_\omega,\in)$, and therefore the true arithmetic $(\mathbb N,0,1,+,\cdot,<)$. To see this, let us say $x$ is *extensional* if no summand in its CNF occurs twice, which can be defined as
$$E(x)\iff\neg\exists t,u,v\:(x=u+\omega^t+\omega^t+v\land v<\omega^t),$$
and *hereditarily extensional* if all ordinals in its recursively expanded CNF are extensional and if it is smaller than $\ep_0$:
$$\mathit{HE}(x)\iff\exists z\:\bigl(x\in z\land\forall u\in z\:(E(u)\land u<\omega^u\land\forall v\in u\:v\in z)\bigr)$$
(the formula says “$x$ belongs to a transitive set of non-epsilon extensional elements”). Then the structure of hereditarily extensional elements of $(\ep_\alpha,+,\omega^-)$ with $\in$ is easily seen to be isomorphic to $(V_\omega,\in)$.

Finally, I will not try to write this down formally, but I believe ordinal multiplication is definable in $(\ep_\alpha,+,\omega^-)$. The point is that an algorithm for mutiplication of ordinals given in CNF by a finite computation can be described by a formula, using an encoding of finite sets and sequences that we already have.


[1] Albert Visser, *Pairs, sets and sequences in first-order theories*, Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (2008), no. 4, pp. 299–326, doi [10.1007/s00153-008-0087-1](