- The Yoneda Lemma (used everywhere!)
 - In algebraic geometry, the vanishing locus of a map of vector bundles on a scheme $X$ is a closed subscheme of $X$.

I'll give an example where we use both.  Say we want to show that there is such a thing as a scheme of "flags" on a vector space $V$, and that it is a closed, projective scheme.  Such a flag scheme $\text{Fl}_{i_1, ..., i_k}$ represents the functor sending a scheme $S$ to the set of $M_1\hookrightarrow ...\hookrightarrow M_k\hookrightarrow V\otimes \mathcal{O}_S$ where $M_j$ is a vector bundle on $S$ of rank $i_j$ and where all the maps are injective bundle maps.  We could do this by working with coordinates, but that would be a huge pain, so let's use our lemmas.

It suffices to do this for $k=2$, as larger flag schemes can be written as fiber products of $\text{Fl}_{i_1, i_2}$.  We embed $\text{Fl}_{i_1, i_2}$ as a closed subscheme of the scheme $T:=\text{Gr}(i_1, V)\times \text{Gr}(i_2, V)$.  We know that this is a closed subscheme of $\mathbb{P}(\Lambda^{i_1}(V)\otimes \Lambda^{i_2}(V))$ so this suffices.

But indeed, letting $M_j$ be the canonical rank $i_j$ bundle over $\text{Gr}(i_j, V)$ (induced by the identity map through the universal property of the Grassmannian and Yoneda), we have that the flag bundle $\text{Fl}_{i_1, i_2}$ is the vanishing locus of the map $M_1\to \text{coker}(M_2\to V\otimes \mathcal{O}_T)$.  It's easy to check that this represents the desired functor.