Your question is correspond to weak Kahler-Einstein metric(I know for Kahler case). Let me explain in more details The Hermitian metric $H$ along the fibers of the holomorphic vector bundle $E$ over a K\"ahler manifold $(M,\omega)$ is **weak Hermitian-Einstein** if $$\sqrt[]{-1}\Lambda_\omega F_H = \phi I$$ at every point of $M$, where $\gamma$ is a function on $M$ and $I$ is the identity endomorphism of $E$ and $F_H$ is the Chern curvature form of $(E, h)$. Here $\Lambda_\omega$ is the contraction with $\omega$ which means $$F_H\wedge\omega^{n-1}=(n-1)!\Lambda_\omega F_H\frac{\omega^n}{n!}$$ Now take $E=TM$, then we can define **weak Kahler-Einstein metric** as $Ric(\omega)=\phi \omega$ and hence $c_1(TM)=[Ric(\omega)]=[\phi \omega]$ When $\phi$ is globally constant, then we call it Kahler-Einstein metric and when it is positive we call $M$ is Fano and when it is negative we call $M$ is of general type and it is zero $M$ is called Calabi-Yau variety From [Kobayashi book][1] (complex vector bundle ) we have the following theorem for more general setting of your question **Theorem**: An Hermitian vector bundle $(E, h)$ over a Riemann surface $(M, g)$ satisfies the weak Einstein condition if and only if it is projectively flat. Note that in general one direction always works **Theorem**: Let $(M, g)$ is a Kahler manifold, Let $(E, h)$ be a projectively flat vector bundle over $M$. Then, for any Hermitian metric $g$ on $M$,$(E, h)$ satisfies the weak Einstein condition. We have also the following theorem which tell us that any weak Hermitian-Einstein metric after conformal change is Hermitian-Einstein metric **Theorem**: If an Hermitian vector bundle $(E, h)$ over a compact Kahler manifold $(M, g)$ satisfies the weak Einstein condition with factor $φ$, there is a conformal change $h −→ h′ = ah$ such that $(E, h′ )$ satisfies the Einstein condition with a constant factor $c$. Such a conformal change is unique up to a homothety. Now you can take $E=TM$ and this tells us that any weak Kahler-Einstein there is a conformal change $h −→ h′ = ah$ such that $(TM, h′ )$ is Kahler-Einstein metric [1]: