Recall that a group $G$ satisfies *max* (or is said to be *Noetherian*) if all its proper subgroups are finitely generated. Similarly $G$ satiesfies *max-n* if all its normal subgroups are normal closures of finite subsets. Note that property *max* is "closed with respect to extension", i.e if $N \unlhd G$ and $G \backslash N$ have this property than so does $G$ (in particular this implies that polycyclic groups satisfy *max*). However *max-n* is not inherited by subgroups. Noetheless we have the following Theorem: If a group $G$ satisfies *min-n* (resp. *max-n*) and $H$ is a subgroup of $G$ with finite index, then $H$ satisfies *min-n* (resp. *max-n*). My question is, if these properties *max, min, max-n* and *min-n* are preserved under quasi-isometries (of f.g. groups).