
I have two questions regarding combinatorics journals. I hope that this is the right place for such questions.

1. Which combinatorics/DM journals would you consider as the "top tier"?
I tried to look for an answer online, and found these two links:
http://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?category=2607 and
http://mathoverflow.net/questions/3512/top-specialized-journals .
These somewhat contradict each other (especially regarding EJC), and I assume that the SJR ranking might not be identical to the general public opinion.

2. What exactly is the difference between Journal of Combinatorial Theory series A and Journal of Combinatorial Theory series B? Wikipedia states that "Series A is concerned primarily with structures, designs, and applications of combinatorics. Series B is concerned primarily with graph and matroid theory.", but this seems a bit vague. For example, JCTA does contain many papers concerning graph theory. I also heard that the journal split due to a disagreement between its founders (or editors?). Can this disagreement shed some light on the difference?

Many thanks,