Here is roughly the philosophy of the Weitzenbock technique. (Most of what follows is taken from Berline-Getzler-Vergne book.) Suppose that $E_0,E_1\to M$ are vector bundles on an oriented Riemann manifolds $M$ equipped with hermitian metrics. Denote by $C^\infty(E_i)$ the space of smooth sections of $E_i$. A symmetric 2nd order differential operator $L: C^\infty(E_0)\to C^\infty(E_0)$ is called a *generalized Laplacian* on $E_0$ if its principal symbol $\sigma_L$ coincides with the principal symbol of a Laplacian. Concretely this means the following. For a smooth function $f\in C^\infty(M)$ denote by $M_f$ the linear operator $C^\infty(E_0)\to C^\infty( E_0)$ defined by the multiplication with $f$. Then $L$ is a generalized Laplacian if for any $f_0,f_1\in C^\infty(M)$ and any $u\in C^\infty(E_0)$ we have $$ [\; [\; L,M_{f_0}\; ], M_{f_1}\; ]u = -2g( df_0,df_1)\cdot u $$ where $[-,-]$ denotes the commutator of two operators. Equivalently, this means $$[[L,M_{f_0}],M_{f_1}]=-2M_{g(df_0,df_1)}. $$ One can show that if $L$ is a generalized Laplacian on $E_0$, then there exists a connection $\nabla$ on $E_0$, compatible with the metric on $E_0$, and a symmetric endomorphism $W$ of $E_0$ such that $$ L =\nabla^*\nabla +W. $$ The classical Weitzenbock formulas give explicit descriptions to the Weitzenbock remainder $W$ and the connection $\nabla$. Usually the generalized Laplacians are obtained through *Dirac type* operators which are first order differential operators $D: C^\infty(E_0)\to C^\infty(E_1)$ such that both operators $D^\ast D$ and $D D^\ast$ are generalized Laplacians on $E_0$ and respectively $E_1$. We can rewrite this in a compact form by using the operator $$\mathscr{D}: C^\infty(E_0)\oplus C^\infty(E_1)\to C^\infty(E_0)\oplus C^\infty(E_1), $$ $$\mathscr{D}(u_0\oplus u_1)= (D^*u_1)\oplus (D u_0). $$ Then $D$ is Dirac type iff $\mathscr{D}^2$ is a generalized Laplacian. The Weitzenbock remainders of $D^\ast D$ and $D D^\ast$ involve curvature terms. If the Weitzenbock remainder of $D^*D$ happens to be a positive endomorphism of $E_0$, then one can conclude that $$\ker D=\ker D^\ast D=0. $$ The Hodge-Dolbeault operator $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\bar{\partial}+\bar{\partial}^*): \Omega^{0,even}(M)\to \Omega^{0,odd}(M) $$ on a Kahler manifold $M$ is a Dirac type operator. For more details and examples you can check Sec. 10.1 and Chap 11 of [my lecture notes][1]. [1]: