Also in Italian "varietà" is the term for both.

Starting from this, I looked at the [Italian Wikipedia webpage for varieties]( which, at the end, has [this remark]( about the origin of the term:

 > In italiano si traduce con varietà il termine tedesco Mannigfaltigkeit, che 
compare per la prima volta nella tesi di dottorato del 1851 di Bernhard Riemann, *Grundlagen für eine allgemeine Theorie der Functionen einer veränderlichen complexen Grösse*. Riemann si pone il problema di introdurre delle "grandezze molteplicemente estese", aventi cioè "più dimensioni", e le definisce usando quel termine.  
Analizzando il termine come parola composta, Mannig-faltig-keit, si riconosce in essa un parallelo con il termine latino multi-plic-itas, sicché lo si potrebbe tradurre letteralmente come 'molteplicità'.

That can be approximatively translated as

 > In Italian we translate with "varietà" the German word "Mannigfaltigkeit", which appears for the first time in the 1851 doctoral thesis of of Bernhard Riemann, *Grundlagen für eine allgemeine Theorie der Functionen einer veränderlichen complexen Grösse*. Riemann introduced some "dimensions with multiple extensions", having "more dimensions", and he defines them using that term.  
Analiying the term as a compound word, "Mannig-faltig-keit", we can identify a parallelism with the Latin word "multi-plic-itas", so that it can be literally translated as "multiplicity".

So, at least in Italian, the term comes from "variety" and "multiplicity" in the sense of "diversity".