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Functoriality of adjugate matrix

i'm interested in geometric interpretations of many linear algebra notions (check also related geometric interpretation of matrix minors). it came to me recently that geometric description of adjugate matrix (for example in case 3×3-matrix) might be quite hard—feel welcome to fill the gap!—but what catched my attention is functoriality of adjugate matrix ($\scriptstyle \mathbf I^\mathrm D = \mathbf I$ and $\scriptstyle (\mathbf{AB})^\mathrm D = \mathbf B^\mathrm D \mathbf A^\mathrm D$); my question is:

what kind of functor is the adjugating (for linear endomorphisms)?

it seems to have strong relationship with (hermitian) adjoint but has slightly different properties (it commutes with transpose). thanks in advance!

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