For two positive vectors $a,b$ such that $a\prec b$, we know that there is an $m$ sequence of vectors $c^{(i)}$ such that $$a\prec c^{(1)}\prec \ldots \prec c^{(m)}\prec b$$  where each vector in the precedent formula  differs  from its successor by two entries. This is a classic result.  See 
*{A. W. Marshall,I. Olkin, B. C. Arnold, Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications}.* First figure. In the second figure i found a  way  to start from $a$ and arrive at $b$ and  by some «example  verification» i obtained the same sequence $c^{(i)}$ given in the algorithm of the third figure from an article 
Zoran Kadelburg, Dusan Dukic, Milivoje Lukic and Ivan Matic
Can someone tell why? 

Edit i guess i found the reason. 

(Here in figure one   the vector $a$ is $x$ and  $b$ is $y$. $y^*$ is $c^{(m)}$  and $c$ is $c^{(1)}$. If you repeat the  same algorithm applied to $a\prec c^{(m)}$ you obtain $c^{(m-1)}$
until you get $a$); whether if you apply the second (at each step delete the equal entries) you get first $c^{(1)}$ and then repeatedly arrive at $b$ where here the sequence is the same obtained from the third figure algorithm. 

![The algorithm in books](


![The algorithm found](


![The algorithm in the article](