This problem is closely connected with number-theoretic model for spin chains. In this model, to a finite chain of spins each of which can be directed upwards $(\uparrow)$ or downwards $(\downarrow)$, a product of
the matrices
        1 & 0\\
        1 & 1
        1 & 1\\
        0 & 1
is assigned, according to the rule
$\uparrow=A$, $\downarrow=B$. For example,
The energy of a given configuration is
Let $G$ be the free multiplicative monoid generated by the matrices $A$ and $B$.
From a physical viewpoint, the asymptotic behaviour of the number of configurations
  \Phi(N)=\bigl|\bigl\{C\in G: \mathrm{Tr}\,C=N \bigr\}\bigr|\qquad(N\ge 3)
with a given energy, and the number of configurations in which the energy does not exceed a given
  \Psi(N)=\big |\big\{C\in G: 3\le\mathrm{Tr}\,C\leqslant N \big\}\big |=
  \sum_{3\le n\leqslant N}\Phi(n).
It is known, that
$$ \Psi(N)=N^2(c_1\log N+c_0)+{O}(N^{3/2}\log^4N),
  c_1=\frac{1}{\zeta(2)},\quad  c_0=
And this result is a special case of a more general result concerning the Gauss-Kuz’min statistics for spin chains and Gauss-Kuz’min statistics for the quadratic irrationals. For more details see the paper [Spin chains and Arnold's problem on the Gauss-Kuz'min statistics for quadratic irrationals.][1].
