I am taking a first course on Algebraic Geometry, and I am a little confused at the intuition behind looking at schemes over a fixed scheme. Categorically, I have all the motivation in the world for looking at comma categories, but I would like to make sense of this geometrically.
Here is one piece of geometric motivation I do have: A family of deformations of schemes could be thought of as a morphism $X \rightarrow Y$, where the fibers of the morphism are the schemes which are being deformed, and these are indexed by the scheme Y.
This is all well and good, but I am really interested in Schemes over $Spec(k)$ are thought of as doing geometry "over" $k$. I know that their is a nice "schemeification functor" taking varieties over $k$ to schemes over $k$, but this is somewhat unsatisfying. All that I see algebraically is that $k$ injects into the ring of global sections of the structure sheaf of $X$, but this does not seem like much of a geometric condition...
Any help would be appreciated.