Most of the proofs of Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions actually give a Mertens-like theorem, and then the (weaker) statement

> **Chebyshev-like bound** : if $(a,q) = 1$ then
>$$\sum_{\substack{n \leq X \\ n \equiv a \mod q}} \Lambda(n) \gg_q \frac{X}{\varphi(q)} $$
>(the factor $\varphi (q)$ is introduced here only for cosmetic reasons)

There are basically two ways in which this could be strenghtened : 

- for fixed $q$, in the $X$-aspect : this amounts to replace the $\gg $ above by $\sim$, which is exactly the prime number theorem in arithmetic progressions.
- in the $q$-aspect : one asks for explicit $\epsilon$ (depending on $q$) satisfying
$$\sum_{\substack{n \leq X \\ n \equiv a \mod q}} \Lambda(n) \geq \epsilon \frac{X}{\varphi(q)} $$

If complex analysis is allowed, the Siegel-Walfisz solves both problems and gives $\epsilon =  1 - o(1)$ in the range $q \ll \left( \log X \right) ^A $ (for any $A>0$). But I'm especially interested in *elementary* methods (with the usual meaning of the word "elementary" in this context). Following step by step Dirichlet's proof (or at least one of its modern variants), I managed to prove that
$$ \epsilon = e^{- C \varphi(q) \left( \log q \right)^9} $$
is admissible. Apart from the unimportant $\log$ factors, I haven't improved this yet. Hence my questions :

> What is the best (known) lower bound on $\epsilon$ that one can reach by elementary methods ?
> What is the wider allowed range for $q$ that one gets from the elementary proofs of the prime number in arithmetic progressions  ? 

References are welcome, I've found none so far.