For $\alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{C}$ and $\gamma\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\{0,-1,-2,\dotsc\}$, Gauss' hypergeometric function ${}_2F_1(\alpha,\beta;\gamma;z)$ can be defined by the series
{}_2F_1(\alpha,\beta;\gamma;z)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(\alpha)_n(\beta)_n}{(\gamma)_n}\frac{z^n}{n!},\quad |z|<1.
The following special cases are well-known:
{}_2F_1\biggl(\frac12,1;\frac32;-z^2\biggr)&=\frac{\arctan z}{z},\\
{}_2F_1\biggl(\frac12,\frac12;\frac32;z^2\biggr)&=\frac{\arcsin z}{z},\\
See Chapter 5 and page 109 in the book [1] below.

Lemma 2.6 in the paper [2] below reads that, for $0\ne|t|<1$ and $n=1,2,\dotsc$,
{}_2F_1\biggl(\frac{1-n}{2}, \frac{2-n}{2};1-n;\frac1{t^2}\biggr)
=\frac{t}{2^n\sqrt{t^2-1}\,} \biggl[\biggl(1+\frac{\sqrt{t^2-1}\,}{t}\biggr)^n -\biggl(1-\frac{\sqrt{t^2-1}\,}{t}\biggr)^n\biggr].

Corollary 4.1 in the paper [3] below states that, for $n=0,1,2,\dotsc$, 
+\frac{2n+1}{2^{2n}}\sum_{k=1}^{n} (-1)^{k} \binom{2n-k}{n} \frac{2^{k/2}}{k}\sin\frac{3k\pi}{4}.

**My question is:** can one find an elementary function $f(t)$ such that
{}_2F_1\biggl(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2};2;t\biggr)=f(t), \quad |t|\le1?

 1. N. M. Temme, *Special Functions: An Introduction to Classical Functions of Mathematical Physics*, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1996; available online at
 2. Feng Qi, Qing Zou, and Bai-Ni Guo, *The inverse of a triangular matrix and several identities of the Catalan numbers*, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics **13** (2019), no. 2, 518--541; available online at
 3. Feng Qi and Mark Daniel Ward, *Closed-form formulas and properties of coefficients in Maclaurin's series expansion of Wilf's function composited by inverse tangent, square root, and exponential functions*, arXiv (2022), available online at
At below, Professor Emeritus Gerald A. Edgar confirmed that the function $f(t)={}_2F_1\bigl(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2};2;t\bigr)$ is not elementary. I would like to ask a related problem:

Can one write out the general term of coefficients in the Maclaurin power series expansion of the power function
\biggl[{}_2F_1\biggl(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2};2;t\biggr)\biggr]^m, \quad m\ge1?
The motivation of this problem can be found in the paper

 4. Wei-Shih Du, Dongkyu Lim, and Feng Qi, *Several recursive and closed-form formulas for some specific values of partial Bell polynomials*, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications **6** (2022), no. 4, 528--537; available online at