This is a foundational doubt I have. How does singular homology H_n capture the number of n-dimensional holes in a space? We disregard the case of $H_0$ as it has the very satisfactory explanation that it is the direction sum of $\mathbb Z$ over the path-connected components of the space. Now, handwaving aside, we consider the most important example of this "detecting hole" phenomenon, viz,, the fact that for $i \geq 1$ $H_i(S^n) = \mathbb(Z)$ if and only if $i = n$. For this we use Mayer-Vietoris and a decomposition of $S_n$ into a union of two open sets which are the complements of the north pole and south pole. And the intersection deformation retracts to $S^{n -1}$ and from the long exact sequence we get the isomorphisms $H_i \cong H_{i -1}$. Now, by the above computation, it seems that the "hole detection" is achieved via Mayer-Vietoris and going up from the dimension below, using the long exact sequence. Mayer-Vietoris on the other hand depends on the snake lemma, which is very un-geometric and difficult to visualize. So I would be most grateful for a more intuitive explanation of this hole capturing phenomenon. I can see that it is very natural that boundaries should be cancelled out as the solid simplices can be contracted to the central point. I can also "feel" that a hollow $n$-simplex, there should be a nontrivial $n$-chain which is not a boundary of an $n+1$-chain. But I am still left with a feeling of partial understanding. I hope this fundamental vagueness of understanding of mine can be cleared here.