I am currently doing some research on surfaces of general type and I need some results from Bogomolov's paper: **Bogomolov, F. A.** *Families of curves on a surface of general type.* Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 236 (1977), no. 5, 1041–1044. 14J25 (14J05). **([MR0457450](https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0457450))**. I've been looking all over the internet but there is no PDF or online form of this paper. I went to all my local libraries and all I found was a version in Russian that was so old (and so poorly maintained) that some parts where not even readable (I don't speak russian anyway). Is there a place where I can find this paper? I'll be happy to pay for it if necessary!