For dg-coalgebras over any field $k$ the answer is positive, because:

 1. Let $C$ be a $\mathbb Z$-graded coalgebra and $D\subset C$ a finite-dimensional ungraded subcoalgebra (of the underlying ungraded coalgebra) of $C$.  Let $D^{gr}\subset C$ denote the graded vector subspace spanned by all the grading components of the elements of $D$.  Then $D\subset D^{gr}$ and $D^{gr}$ is a finite-dimensional graded subcoalgebra of $C$.

 2. Let $(C,d)$ be a dg-coalgebra and $D\subset C$ be a finite-dimensional graded subcoalgebra of $C$.  Set $D^{dg}=D+d(D)\subset C$.  Then $D\subset D^{dg}$ and $D^{dg}$ is a finite-dimensional dg-subcoalgebra of $C$.

Using the observations 1. and 2. and the fact that any ungraded coassociative coalgebra is the union of its finite-dimensional subcoalgebras, one deduces the assertion that any $\mathbb Z$-graded dg-coalgebra is the union of its finite-dimensional dg-subcoalgebras.