This is a theorem of Lang's from 1956. Here's an online document giving a proof (in the form $H^1(A,k)=0$): Lecture 14: Galois Cohomology of Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields, William Stein. Stein notes that there is a "more modern proof" in the first few sections of Chapter VI of Serre's *Algebraic Groups and Class Fields*. The original article is Serge Lang, "Abelian varieties over finite fields," *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences* **41.3** (1955): 174-176. It is available at It's very short, but phrased in the "old-style" Weil language of algebraic geometry. -------- Here's a quick sketch of a proof with $k=\mathbb F_q$. Choosing a point of $X(\overline{k})$, we can make $X$ into an abelian variety over $\overline{k}$. Then the $q$-power Frobenius map $\phi_q:X\to X$ is the composition of an isogeny and a translation, say $\phi_q(x)=f(x)+x_0$ with $f:X\to X$ an isogeny (defined over $\overline{k}$) and $x_0\in X(\overline{k})$. The fact that $\phi_q$ is inseparable implies that $f$ is inseparable, and hence $(1-f)^*$ acts as the identity map on differentials. Thus $1-f$ has finite kernel, so it is surjective, and thus there is a point $x_1\in X(\overline k)$ satisfying $(1-f)(x_1)=x_0$. This implies that $\phi_q(x_1)=x_1$, and hence that $x_1\in X(k)$.