The question below comes to my mind when I am trying to explore something related to the formulas found by [Jesus Guillera][1]: a)Generalized hypergeometric function $${}_3 F_2\left(\begin{matrix}1/4& 3/4& 1/2\\1& 1\end{matrix};\cdots\right)$$ is related to the Dwork family $x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_3^4=4\lambda x_1x_2x_3x_4$ through Picard-Fuchs equation; b)Certain $\lambda$ corresponds to singular K3 surfaces, which has been given in the note of [N. Elkies and M. Schutt][2]. They calculated all possible rational $\mu,\mu=\lambda^4$ that the corresponding surface is a singular K3 surface(with highest possible Picard number 20), and almost all the numerical values appear in [Ramanujan's 1914 paper][3] on $1/\pi$; c)J. Guillera has already given certain formulas(formula (92)(93)(94) in W. Zudilin's [paper][4]) on $1/\pi^2$ related to $${}_5 F_4\left(\begin{matrix}1/6& 2/6& 3/6& 4/6& 5/6\\1& 1&1&1\end{matrix};\cdots\right)$$ and their Dwork family should be $x_1^6+x_2^6+x_3^6+x_4^6+x_5^6+x_6^6=6\lambda x_1x_2x_3x_4x_5x_6$. Similarly, certain rational $\mu,\mu=\lambda^6$ correspond to Guillera's formulas; **Question:** It might be a vague question, but is there any **"singular"** member in the family $$x_1^6+x_2^6+x_3^6+x_4^6+x_5^6+x_6^6=6\lambda x_1x_2x_3x_4x_5x_6$$ having similar properties as whose analog is treated in the note of [N. Elkies and M. Schutt][2]? It is said that singular K3 surfaces share similar properties with elliptic curves with complex multiplication. Is there **an analog of "complex multiplication"** for $$x_1^6+x_2^6+x_3^6+x_4^6+x_5^6+x_6^6=6\lambda x_1x_2x_3x_4x_5x_6?$$ [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: