Let $K$ be a compact or a finite group with a closed subgroup $H$. Let $C(K)$ be the convolution algebra of continuous functions on $K$.

The Peter Weyl theorem asserts that the $*$ algebra $C(K)$ and the subalgebra $C(K)^H$ of functions with
$$ f(h^{-1}k h) = f(k) \qquad h\in H$$
are Morita equivalent. 

This implies that there exists $(C(K)-C(K)^H)$ modules $M$ and $N$ such that
$$ N^{op} \otimes_{C(K)} M \cong C(K)^H, \qquad M \otimes_{C(K)^H} N^{op} \cong C(K).$$

> What are candidates for $N^{op}$ and $M$?