Van der Corput [1] proved that there are infinitely many arithmetic progressions of primes of length 3 (PAP-3).  (Green & Tao [2] famously extended this theorem to length $k$.)

But taking this in a different direction, are _all_ odd primes in a PAP-3?  That is, for every prime $p>2$, is there a $k$ such that $p+k$ and $p+2k$ are prime?

Unsurprisingly, the first 100,000 primes have this property; the largest value of $k$ needed is just 1584 (See [4], though the calculations don't go that far there).  Heuristically, you'd expect a given prime to be in
$$\int_2^\infty\frac{a\ dx}{\log(x\log x)}=+\infty$$
different PAP-3s, and there are no small prime obstructions, so the conclusion seems reasonable.  On the other hand, it seems to involve Goldbach-like (or better, Sophie Germaine-like) additive patterns in the primes: in essence, we're looking for prime $q$, $2q-n$ for a fixed odd $n$, so I don't imagine this has been resolved.

Basically, I'm just looking for more information on this problem.  Surely it's been posed before, but does it have a common name and/or citation?  Have any partial results been proved?  Perhaps this is a consequence of a well-known conjecture?

[1] A. G. van der Corput (1939). "Über Summen von Primzahlen und Primzahlquadraten", _Mathematische Annalen_ **116**, pp. 1-50.

[2] Ben Green and Terence Tao (2008). "The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions", _Annals of Mathematics_ **167**, pp. 481–547.

[3] Amarnath Murthy,

[4] Giovanni Teofilatto,