>**Proposition 1:** The number of integer solutions of the equation 
\sum_{i=1}^{k}x_i = N
where $x_i\geq n_i$ for $i=1,\ldots,k$, is given by 
if the upper index is non-negative and zero otherwise. 

In the formula above, $\binom{.}{.}$ stands for the [generalized binomial coefficients][2]. 

Now, to tackle the problem as stated, you need to apply Proposition 1 and invoke the [inclusion-exclusion principle][1], in the following sense:

For $i=1,...,k$, set as 
> $q_i$: the property of a solution of Proposition 1, to satisfy the condition 
x_i> m_i \Leftrightarrow x_i\geq m_i+1

If we denote:  

 - $N(q_i)$, the number of solutions (provided by Prop. 1) satisfying property $q_i$,  
 - $N(q_i q_j)$, the number of solutions (provided by Prop. 1) satisfying both properties $q_i$, $q_j$, 

... and generally: 

 - $N(q_{i_1}q_{i_2}... q_{i_s})$, the number of solutions (provided by Prop. 1) satisfying all properties $q_{i_1}$, $q_{i_2}$, ..., $q_{i_s}$,

then we get -applying Prop. 1- that: 
N(q_1)=\binom{N+(k-1)-1-m_1-n_2-...-n_k}{k-1} \ \ \ or \ \ \ N(q_1)=0

N(q_2 q_3)=\binom{N+(k-2)-1-n_1-m_2-m_3-n_4-...-n_k}{k-1}
 \ \ \ or \ \ \ N(q_2 q_3)=0}
... and generally:
N(q_{i_1}q_{i_2}... q_{i_s})=\binom{N+(k-s)-1-\sum_{i\notin I} n_i-\sum_{i\in I} m_i}{k-1} \ \ \ or \ \ \ N(q_{i_1}q_{i_2}... q_{i_s})=0
where $s$ is the number of properties, $I=\{i_1, i_2, ..., i_s\}\subseteq \{1,2,...,k\}$ and the $N(..)$ function takes zero values whenever the upper index becomes negative. 

Now all you need to do to obtain a compact formula for the number of solutions satisfying your constraints, is to apply the inclusion-exclusion principle to determine the number of solutions produced by Proposition 1, **which have none** of the properties $q_i$ for $i=1,2,...,k$.  
This is given by  
\binom{N+k-1-\sum n_i}{k-1}-\sum_{i=1}^{k} N(q_i)+\sum_{k\ \geq j >  i\geq 1} N(q_i q_j)-...+ \\ +(-1)^s\sum_{k\ \geq i_s>...>i_1\geq 1} N(q_{i_1}q_{i_2}... q_{i_s})+.... +(-1)^k N(q_{1}q_{2}... q_{k}) 

where in the above formula $s$ is the number of properties and 
\sum_{k\ \geq j > i \geq 1}=\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\sum_{j=i+1}^{k}
... etc.

**Example:** As an example of application of the previous method, consider the following special case of the OP:  
>Find the number of (positive) integer solutions of the equation
$$\sum_{i=1}^{k}x_i = N$$ for some positive integer $N$, given the constraints $1\leq x_i\leq \alpha$ for $i=1,\ldots,k$

The method described above gives: 
where $\binom{..}{..}$ stands for the generalized binomial coefficients and the summation halts when zero terms appear. 

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclusion%E2%80%93exclusion_principle
  [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_coefficient