If I am correct, your Noetherian local domain $(R,m(R))$ admits a place $D$ (maximal local domain) such that $R\subset D\subset K$ and $m(D)\cap R=m(R)$ (for a local ring $L$, we note $m(L)$ its maximal ideal). The fraction field $K$ is common to $R$ and $D$. As $D$ is a place there is a valuation 
v\ :\ K\to \Gamma_{\infty}
such that 
D=\{x\in K\,|\, 0\leq v(x)<\infty\}\ ;\ 
m(D)=\{x\in K\,|\, 0< v(x)<\infty\}
this valuation defines the quotient topology 
R\times (R\setminus \{0\})\to K 
which automatically is a topological field, see [the construction here](http://mathoverflow.net/questions/264149/topological-fraction-rings-and-fields).