I am trying to understand the intuition Luna's Etale Slice Theorem in the affine setting over $\mathbb{C}$. 

Here is the setup. Let $X$ be an affine algebraic variety and $G$ a reductive group acting on $X$. Moreover, let $x\in X$ be a closed point and $G_{x}$ its stabilizer under the $G$ action where $G_{x}$ is also a reductive group, and $V\subseteq X$ a $G_{x}$ invariant locally closed affine variety containing $x$. 

The group action $G\times V\to X$ by $(g,v)\mapsto g\cdot v$ is $G_{x}$ invariant if the action of $G_{x}$ on $G\times V$ is by $h\cdot (g,v)\mapsto (gh^{-1},hv)$. Indeed, one can check that $gh^{-1}\cdot h\cdot v=gh^{-1}h\cdot v=g\cdot v\in X$ but if $g\in G_{x}$ then $g\cdot v\in V$ since $V$ is $G_{x}$ invariant. 

> What is the geometric intuition for the quotient $G\times_{G_{x}}V= (G\times V)// G_{x}$? 

Formally, it seems we are identifying points $(g,v)\sim (g',v')$ if there exists some $h\in G_{x}$ such that $gh^{-1}\cdot hv$ and $g'\cdot v'$ map to the same point in $X$. Namely $v,v'\in V$ lie in the same $G$ orbit. So $G\times_{G_{x}} V$ is just the set of $G$-orbits in $V$? 

This induces a morphism $\psi: G\times_{G_{x}} V\to X$. Say $V$ is an etale slice if $\psi$ is an etale morphism. Luna's theorem shows the existence of such etale slices. 

> What is the structure of $G\times_{G_{x}} V$ as a variety? 

> What is the correct way to think about the morphism $\psi$?