Let us write $i$ for $j$, as is customary in mathematics (in distinction with electrical engineering). Let $T:=\varphi$ and $Z:=z=e^{iT}$, where $T\sim\mathcal U[-a,a]$, for some real $a>0$. We have to find the pdf of $Z$ with respect to the uniform distribution, say $\mu$, on the unit circle $C$ in $\mathbb C$. 

The measure $\mu$ on $C$ is the push-forward measure of the uniform distribution $\mathcal U(-\pi,\pi]$ under the map $(-\pi,\pi]\ni s\mapsto e^{is}\in C$. So, $\mu$ is determined by the identity 
	\int_C g\,d\mu=\frac1{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi g(e^{is})\,ds
for all nonnegative Borel functions $g$ on $C$. 

The pdf (say $p$) of $Z=e^{iT}$ with respect to $\mu$ is then determined by the identity 
Eh(e^{iT})=\int_C hp\,d\mu
for all nonnegative Borel functions $h$ on $C$, which can be rewritten as 
	\frac1{2a}\int_{-a}^a h(e^{it})\,dt=\frac1{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi h(e^{is})p(e^{is})\,ds. \tag{1}
Next, introduce 
so that $(2K-1)\pi<a\le(2K+1)\pi$. Then 
	\int_{-a}^a h(e^{it})\,dt&=\sum_{k=1-K}^{K-1}\int_{(2k-1)\pi}^{(2k+1)\pi} h(e^{it})\,dt \\ 
&	+\int_{(2K-1)\pi}^a h(e^{it})\,dt+\int_{-a}^{(1-2K)\pi} h(e^{it})\,dt \\ 
&=(2(K-1)+1)_+\int_{-\pi}^\pi h(e^{is})\,ds \\ 
&	+\int_{-\pi}^\pi h(e^{is})I\{\arg e^{is}<a-2K\pi\}\,ds \\
&+\int_{-\pi}^\pi h(e^{is})I\{\arg e^{is}>2K\pi-a\}\,ds,
where $w_+:=\max(0,w)$ for real $w$, $I$ denotes the indicator, and $\arg e^{is}:=s$ for $s\in(-\pi,\pi]$. 
Looking back at (1), we now conclude that 
	p(c)=\frac\pi a\,\big( (2K_a-1)_++I\{\arg c<a-2K_a\pi\}+I\{\arg c>2K_a\pi-a\}\big)
for ($\mu$-almost all) $c\in C$. 

Here are the subgraphs $\{(c,z)\colon c\in C,0\le z\le p(c)\}$ of $p$ for $a=1.7\pi$ (left) and $a=2.7\pi$ (right): 

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/jKq4p.png