At the [2010 Clay Research Conference][1], Gromov explained that we know of only 7 different methods for constructing smooth manifolds. Working from memory, and hence not necessarily respecting the order he used: - Algebraic geometry (affine and projective varieties, ...) - Lie groups (homogeneous spaces, ...) - General position arguments (Morse theory, Pontryagin-Thom construction, ...) - Solutions to PDE (Moduli spaces in gauge theory, Floer theory, ...) - Surgery (Cut and paste techniques, ...) - Markov processes I realise that I only gave 6 constructions; this was the number of separate items listed on his slides, and since he failed to discuss this part, I am left to guess that he either listed two different constructions on one line, which I interpreted to be variants of the same construction, or that failed to include one altogether. **Question** How does one construct a smooth manifold from Markov processes? I asked Gromov after the talk for explanation, but due to the rudimentary nature of my Gromovian, I was unable to understand the answer. The only word I managed to parse is "hyperbolic," though I wouldn't put too much stock in that. [1]: