>Assume that $A$ is a Banach algebra with two closed two sided ideals $I$ and $J$ such that $I$ and $J$ are commutative and $A=I+J$. Does this implies that $A$ is commutative? For the $C^{*}$ algebra, the answer is ["Yes"](http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/998702/a-question-on-non-commutative-ring-or-algebra). **The motivation:** A (non-commutative) compact n-dimensional topological manifold is defined as follows: A (non commutative) $C^{*}$ algebra $A$ such that there are ideals $I_{k}$, $k=1,2,\ldots,n$ such that $A=I_{1}+I_{2}+\ldots I_{k}$ and each $I_{j}$ is isomorphic to $C_{0}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$. But the above answer in MSE shows that, in the context of $C^{*}$ algebras, this definition does not give any non commutative example,. >So we search for a non commutative example in Banach algebras. **Note:** According to the comment on my MSE question: To what extent Banach or $C^{*}$ algebras whose underline Lie algebras are metabelian are studied and classified?