I'd like to bring together the following two notions of "non-chiral":

On the abstract algebraic side, a modular fusion category describing the anyon content of some physical system is said to be non-chiral if it is the Drinfeld center of some fusion category, and thus has a vanishing chiral central charge. This is clearly fulfilled by the Levin-Wen string-net models aka TVBW state-sum.

On the other hand, in condensed matter physics, "non-chiral" refers to the presence of a "chiral symmetry", so a (anti-)unitary representation of the group $Z_2$ on the many-body Hilbert space that commutes with the Hamiltonian. Clearly, for any Hamiltonian one can find thousands of such representations, so in order to make "presence of a chiral symmetry" something meaningful, there have to be some conditions on the representation that make it a valid "chiral" symmetry.

Now my question: What kinds of representations of $Z_2$ are called a valid "chiral symmetry" and how is such a chiral symmetry implemented in each Levin-Wen model?