Let $\mathfrak{g}$ denote a complex simple Lie algebra of type $F_4$.  Its smallest nontrivial irreducible representation is 26-dimensional.  Let's call it $V$.  This question is about the invariants of $\mathfrak{g}$ in this representation.

It is well-known that $\mathfrak{g}$ leaves invariant a quadratic form $Q \in \operatorname{Sym}^2 V$ and a cubic form $C \in \operatorname{Sym}^3V$ on $V$.  Indeed, $\mathfrak{g}$ can be characterised as the Lie subalgebra of $\mathfrak{sl}(V)$ which leaves invariant $Q$ and $C$.

It seems to be part of the group theoretical folklore in the Physics literature (starting possibly with [this paper][1]) that any $\mathfrak{g}$-invariant tensor on $V$ --- that is, any $\mathfrak{g}$-invariant element of the tensor algebra of $V$ --- can be constructed out of $Q$, $C$ and a nonzero "volume  element" $\nu \in \Lambda^{26}V$.

A quick calculation in LiE, however, shows that there is a $\mathfrak{g}$-invariant tensor  $\Phi \in \Lambda^9 V$

     > alt_tensor(9,[0,0,0,1],F4)
     1X[0,0,0,0] +1X[0,0,0,1] +2X[0,0,0,2] +2X[0,0,0,3] +2X[0,0,0,4] +
     1X[0,0,0,5] +1X[0,0,1,0] +2X[0,0,1,1] +2X[0,0,1,2] +1X[0,0,1,3] +
     3X[0,0,2,0] +1X[0,0,2,1] +1X[0,1,0,0] +2X[0,1,0,1] +1X[0,1,0,2] +
     2X[0,1,1,0] +1X[0,2,0,0] +1X[1,0,0,1] +1X[1,0,0,2] +1X[1,0,0,3] +
     3X[1,0,1,0] +3X[1,0,1,1] +1X[1,0,1,2] +1X[1,1,0,0] +1X[1,1,0,1] +
     1X[2,0,0,0] +1X[2,0,0,1] +1X[2,0,0,2]

which I would have a hard time constructing out of $Q$, $C$ and $\nu$.

One possible way to understand $\Phi$ is to think in terms of the $\mathfrak{so}(9)$ subalgebra of $\mathfrak{g}$.  Under $\mathfrak{so}(9)$, $V$ breaks up as a direct sum of the trivial ($\Lambda^0$), vector ($\Lambda^1$) and spinor ($\Delta$) irreducible representations:
V = \Lambda^0 \oplus \Lambda^1 \oplus \Delta

There are precisely two $\mathfrak{so}(9)$-invariants in $\Lambda^9 V$:  one is the volume form on $\Lambda^1$ and the other is the "volume" form on $\Lambda^0$ wedged with the $\mathfrak{so}(9)$-invariant 8-form on $\Delta$.  Notice that $(\mathfrak{so}(9),\Delta)$ is the holonomy representation for the Cayley plane $F_4/\operatorname{Spin}(9)$, which is well-known to have a parallel self-dual $8$-form.  Then $\Phi$ is some linear combination of these two $\mathfrak{so}(9)$-invariants, which I have yet to work out.


I have two questions and, as usual, I would be very grateful for any pointers to the relevant literature:

> 1. Do $Q,C,\Phi,\nu$ form a complete generating set for the $F_4$-invariants in $\bigotimes V$?

> 2. Is there a more convenient (for calculations) description of $\Phi$?  In particular, I would like to know about the relation of the form $\Phi \otimes \Phi = \cdots$.

Thank you in advance.

  [1]: http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v14/i6/p1536_1