Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group (not necessarily reductive) and let $X$ be an affine variety with a regular $G$-action (everything defined over the field of complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$). Denote by $\mathrm{Vec}^G(X)$ the vector space of algebraic vector fields that are $G$-invariant, i.e. those algebraic sections $\xi \colon X \to TX$ of the tangent bundle $T X \to X$ such that $\mathrm{d}_x \varphi_g(\xi(x)) = \xi(gx)$ for all $x \in X$ where $\varphi_g \colon X \to X$ denotes the automorphism given by multiplication with the group element $g \in G$. The vector space $\mathrm{Vec}^G(X)$ has a natural structure of an $\mathcal{O}(X)^G$-module where $\mathcal{O}(X)^G$ denotes the ring of $G$-invariant regular functions on $X$. Here comes my question: Is $\mathrm{Vec}^G(X)$ a finitely generated $\mathcal{O}(X)^G$-module? If this is not true in general, does it hold if $\mathcal{O}(X)^G$ is a finitely generated $\mathbb{C}$-algebra? Any proof or counter-example or any reference to a text book would be perfect.