If $X$ is seminormal, then actually this vanishing is equivalent to $X$ being Du Bois:

1) If $X$ is Du Bois, the vanishing is a direct consequence of Cor.6.2 of [this paper][1], but in this case it is actually pretty easy to prove directly, see #2.

2) Let $P\in X$ be the singular point. There is a standard distinguished triangle
$$ \underline\Omega_X^0 \to \mathbb C_P \oplus R\mu_*\mathscr O_{\widetilde X}\to R\mu_*\mathscr O_E\overset{+1}\to.$$

See 4.11 of [Du Bois's paper][2] for this.
It is easy to see (or use Lemma 2.1 of [this paper][3]) that this implies that there exists a distinguished triangle
$$R\mu_*\mathscr O_{\widetilde X}(-E)\to \underline\Omega_X^0 \to \mathscr O_P\overset{+1}\to$$

Now observe that $h^0(\underline\Omega_X^0)$ is the seminormalization of $\mathscr O_X$ and 
the outside terms have no cohomology higher than $h^1$, so the only non-trivial map is 
$$R^1\mu_*\mathscr O_{\widetilde X}(-E)\to h^1(\underline\Omega_X^0)$$
This is an isomorphism, because $\mathscr O_P$ has very little cohomology. It follows that $X$ is Du Bois if and only if $R^1\mu_*\mathscr O_{\widetilde X}(-E)=0$. $\quad\square$

  [1]: http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.kjm/1298669425
  [2]: http://www.numdam.org/item?id=BSMF_1981__109__41_0
  [3]: http://www.ams.org/journals/jams/2010-23-03/S0894-0347-10-00663-6/home.html